Monday, May 5, 2014

A Dubai Debacle

Since I moved to Oman without my work visa, once my work visa was ready I needed to take a quick trip out of country so that when I reentered I could get my resident visa.  I figured a quick day trip to Dubai would be great to do a little Ikea shopping, so I left for Dubai with nothing more than my purse.

After a couple of hours in Dubai I was done with all the shopping I needed to do and was reminded again why I hate Dubai -- it's really just one overpriced mall after another and there's only so much shopping I can do with inflated prices.  So after a nice lunch I gave up and went to see The Amazing Spider Man, figuring that would at least waste a few hours until my flight. 

But during the movie my work phone kept ringing and when I finally stepped out to take the call, I was informed that my visa hadn't come through and I'd have to spend the night in Dubai.  Except I didn't have any clothes, toiletries, contacts or anything else.  So after the movie I ran around the giant malls trying to find the bare essentials for a night in Dubai and I headed off to my hotel in a cranky and foul mood, muttering to myself about how much I hated Dubai. 

I do have to admit that my second day in Dubai was much more enjoyable and I actually found some of the essentials I had missed on my first day.  And spending some time at Sephora putting on make up made me feel a bit less frumpy in my day old clothes. 

When we landed in Muscat I was shocked to see that it was drizzling outside and, based on the puddles on the ground, I had to assume it had rained all day, which is apparently quite rare here in the summer.  By the time I arrived home the rain had stopped, though I had quite the surprise entire entryway, kitchen and dining area had about an inch of standing rainwater!

Workmen were supposed to come by to figure out where the leak came from.  No surprise, but they never showed up, so Zim did his best to mop up the puddle.

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